Pediatric Resources For Metro Detroit Parents


Magda Girao, OTRL, CST-D, NDT on craniosacral therapy

Magda Girao, OTRL, CST-D, NDT breaks down craniosacral therapy — how it works, why it works, and many of the physical, emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues that benefit from it.

Tennison, Emily. “Episode 6: Magda Girao, OTRL, CST-D, NDT on the magic of craniosacral therapy.” Healing Corner with Emily Tennison. Podcast audio, March 15, 2021. 


Occupational Therapist Discusses the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Licensed Occupational Therapist, Magda Girao from Michigan Pediatric Therapy joins the show to talk about her work treating patients during the pandemic, and how her therapeutic procedures differ in practice and effect from others.

 CivicCenterTV15. YouTube, 26 Feb. 2021

Articles on Pediatric Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy: The Road Less Traveled

Girao, Magda. Friendship Circle,  Feb. 3, 2011.

What to Do When Your Kid is a Klutz

Girao, Magda. Metro Parent, Apr. 27, 2015.

The ABCs of Handwriting for Children with Special Needs

Girao, Magda. Friendship Circle, April 13, 2011.

Read What Our Clients Are Saying

Printable Educational Flyers

Creating a Safe Sleep Environment

Understanding and Addressing Picky Eating

Transitioning to bottle feeding from breastfeeding

What are primitive reflexes?

Does My Baby Have Sensory Issues?

Feeding in the First Year

10 Questions–Access Your Child’s Occupational Needs

Zones of Regulation

R.O.A.R. (Rapid Opportunity for Accelerating Results)

The Sensory Powerhouses

How Can Occupational Therapy Help with Breastfeeding?

Oral-Motor Dysfunction

Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs)

What is Sensory Integration Therapy?

Does my baby have sensory issues?

Want to introduce a new food to a picky eater?

What is all this talk about craniosacral therapy and does it work?

What is the Beckman Oral Motor Protocol?

10 Questions to Assess Your Child’s Occupational Therapy Needs

Does your child or patient eat 10 or fewer foods?

Does your child or patient avoid OR overly seek movement, such as swinging, spinning, sliding, or jumping?

Does your child or patient dislike noisy places or is easily distracted by background sounds?

Does your child or patient avoid messy play or getting hands dirty?

Does your child or patient seem uninterested in food or eating from utensils?

Does your child or patient refuse foods with certain textures OR gag on food placed in their mouth?

Does your child or patient have difficulty latching, if breastfeeding, or drinking from a bottle?

Does your child or patient require frequent movement breaks OR often wiggle in their seat?

Does your child or patient have coordination difficulties (appear clumsy or awkward in movements)? YES

Does your child or patient have difficulty calming self when upset?

If you anwsered “YES’ to any of these questions, an occupational therapy referral may be warranted by your child’s pediatrician. Call us at (248) 939-4030 to schedule a free in-person or phone consultation–we’re here to help!